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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Remember back in the "BOOM" many Appraisers thought that the good times would last forever & a very few on here were saying better start paying attention & get ready for the turn.

My point is that we'd all better be ready for the turn that is coming in ALL walks of life, as far as our freedoms are concerned!!!! Cause we are about to loose some more of the freedoms we once took for granted.

Then of course there is also the other turns this election is going to make & doesn't matter who gets in, these other turns are NOT looking good!!!!
:rof:....absolutely not. Rex is right, we are in fact becoming a socialist state without the benefits or the beautiful swedish women!

Just wait until the party faithful get the deferred tax bill. :shrug:
I will not be voting for any incumbent Congressmen in the upcoming election. Fire all of them and send a message.
SANDY said:
The roaches are scatterin now! There is still time to start another war to save McCain's arse!!! Israel is chomping at the bit to blast Iran, consider it a conspiracy to get McCain elected if it happens before the election. A timely military threat could change the course of the election because McCain clearly eclipses the OJT candidate in this category.

It is going to be aweful scary for some of you to have live with Obama as President. Some may not make it at all, like some of those folks that have or are about to lose everything they worked for. Obama's tax policies will force even more of the country's wealthy to either eliminate jobs or move their operations out of the oppressive US taxing jurisdiction altogether. Obama's expenditures are estimated at over 1.2 trillion in new spending over 4 years. If the "Rich" pull out, and they will, either the Poor are going to have to step up and start paying taxes or the middle class is going to be paying the lion's share of their income to finance the anointed one's big government agenda.

Embrace the new world, don't let your age and past experiences hold you back anymore. You don't have to fall for the lies anymore-no matter how many times they try to tell you that they are like you -you know deep down that you have hoodwinked and that they will never really let you in their club! If anyone is telling lies, there is mounting evidence that it is Barack: Didn't realize Ayers was a terrorist - "just a guy in my neighborhood", somehow missed Rev. Wright's racist remarks after over 20 years of being around the guy - you whitefolk should beware, not associated with Acorn - yet has given the group somewhere close to a million dollars over his career, condemned Wall Street for bilking taxpayers while adding 3 of the biggest former FNMA crooks to his campaign advisory panel - should make excellent advisors on telling us how to get out of our financial mess because they had a big part in getting us into it ... and on and on and on.
I thought John McCain made a mistake by not picking Shelby Steele, former Lt Gov of Maryland as his running mate.
I Pick 6!!!!!

Thank you for that perfect example from the extreme right. You right wingers have your scare tactics and the left wing has theirs ie.... big black men, gays and the homeless will be everywhere you go. I really do suggest you plan to take cover.
The biggest problem ahead for Barry is the wimp factor. Every time anyone criticizes him, he goes into a cry baby mode and his underlings circle the wagons. Face it, he's not tough enough to handle the job. It will be interesting to see what happens if Bin Ladin calls him a sissy, maybe the ACLU will intervene?
I couldnt' agree more with the above statements. However, I'm wondering how do I vote to get rid of the nancy pelosis and harry reids???

Surely, there are more educated persons in their home states than them?

Here's from an e-mail I received regarding our elected representatives:

36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannotget a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and
84have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Wow, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did all that? They seem to be awfully busy; when do they get around to voting on issues before the Congress? The voters in their states should find someone who's not so busy with other stuff to represent them.

If those two did all that, I am afraid to ask what's been going on in the executive branch...
I thought that was the Florida State football roster when I read all of the charges.
The voters in their states should find someone who's not so busy with other stuff to represent them.

Good idea. When was the last time Barry was at work? The guy has been getting paid for the past two years but all he has been doing is campaigning. Deos the State of Illinois get a rebate check?
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