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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Pathological lying and revision of history seem to be part and parcel of most left wing rhetoric.

And you're not upset that we've had nothing but lies from the current executive branch for the last eight years? Both parties are full of liars, that is what most politicians do for a living. We need to start demanding better from ALL parties.
Three specific examples please.

  1. Weapons of Mass Destruction
  2. I didn't have sex with that woman
  3. There's light at the end of the tunnel
Ooops... I might have my Administrations a little confused.
It gets difficult, every d*mm one of them lies 95% of the time!
Okay, we are all angry. I get it. Then, let's make a difference this November 4th at the polls. If you vote for either Red or Blue, then you haven't learned a darn thing, and need to just shut up and take what is dealt. On the other hand, use your new wisdom, your rage, to vote for any other third party. Imagine the voice we would have if no one voted for one of the two dominate parties? Afterall, both Red and Blue are responsible for the crises, the bail out, and all the lies and graft for the last 7+ years. Let's show some courage and not re-elect the same old thing.
Need to fix the spelling of MA it's Machuetts They took out three 3 letters & sent them to Washington.
Okay, we are all angry. I get it. Then, let's make a difference this November 4th at the polls. If you vote for either Red or Blue, then you haven't learned a darn thing, and need to just shut up and take what is dealt. On the other hand, use your new wisdom, your rage, to vote for any other third party. Imagine the voice we would have if no one voted for one of the two dominate parties? Afterall, both Red and Blue are responsible for the crises, the bail out, and all the lies and graft for the last 7+ years. Let's show some courage and not re-elect the same old thing.

Lets do better than that, lets get an Appraiser to run for congress. Only two years of He!! & look at the Benefits they can share after they "RETIRE"
Some liars never get called for their lies and become totally discombobulated when they they are pressed to give an honest answer.
Unfortunately Frank is one one of those liars who thought he could get by with the usual claptrap and bloviating but was taken to school by someone who had done his homework and simply wasn't going to accept Frank's nonsense. Pathological lying and revision of history seem to be part and parcel of most left wing rhetoric.

George, give O'Reilly some credit where it's due. When he has guests he likes (and this is true of most talking heads) the questions are forwarded before the guest appears. When he wants to sucker punch someone he invites them on his show without such preparations or worse misleading preparations. And O'Reilly (true of most talking heads) has interns to do "his homework". Plus an ear bud in his ear feeding him sucker punch questions from several, sharper people. Say what you want about Frank. I care not. But, lets not give O'Reilly more than he's due.

Three specific examples please.

1) We couldn't have imagined this happening - 9/11
2) We couldn't have imagined this happening - Katrina
3) We couldn't have imagined this happening - The Present
George, give O'Reilly some credit where it's due. When he has guests he likes (and this is true of most talking heads) the questions are forwarded before the guest appears. When he wants to sucker punch someone he invites them on his show without such preparations or worse misleading preparations. And O'Reilly (true of most talking heads) has interns to do "his homework". Plus an ear bud in his ear feeding him sucker punch questions from several, sharper people. Say what you want about Frank. I care not. But, lets not give O'Reilly more than he's due.

1) We couldn't have imagined this happening - 9/11
2) We couldn't have imagined this happening - Katrina
3) We couldn't have imagined this happening - The Present

I simply don't have all the inside knowledge that you do concerning the internal workings of O'Reilly's show ( how long have you been working there and can you get me tickets?) but when I listen to a lying crock like Frank any question directed to him becomes a sucker punch. BTW, Your three specific examples aren't specific enough as is usually the case with most liberals who never seem to let the facts get in the way of an argument. :)
Three specific examples please.


Some good reading.


To be fair, I am sure that many on the list are just errors or taken out of context. However, I am sure that you will be able to find at least three.

If a person is in politics, there is a very good chance that they have lied or streched the truth.

Heck, we all lie, it is more a question of the ramifications of the lie...no dear...you finish the sentence :)
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