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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named Governmentium. Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, one proton, 2 electrons and 1 anti-electron giving it an atomic mass of 313. These 313 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons and is known to radiate numerous quarks as well as neutrinos.

Governmentium is inert in its natural state unless the taxpaying proton is dislodged from the nucleus, in which case there is a violent chain reaction whereby it attacks the protons of all other elements within the proximity of 1 light year.

However in its natural state, it can be detected easily as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes any chemical reaction to take over 10 to the 23rd times longer to complete then it would normally take.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of infinity; it does not normally decay, but instead undergoes a transmutation every 2-4 years, which is called an elect-decay acceleration in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places and also dislodge some of the neutrons, and occasionally the proton and electrons.
If the proton or one of the electrons is dislodged in this process, Governmentium can reach critical mass and begin the radiate a tremendous number of alpha, beta and gamma particles. In this state one milligram of Governmentium is capable of annialiting a mass about the size of the moon.

Even in its natural state, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each transmutation will cause some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Governmentium is formed in a complete vacuum whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as "Critical Morass".

You will know it when you see it.

Some good reading.


To be fair, I am sure that many on the list are just errors or taken out of context. However, I am sure that you will be able to find at least three.

If a person is in politics, there is a very good chance that they have lied or streched the truth.

Heck, we all lie, it is more a question of the ramifications of the lie...no dear...you finish the sentence :)

I'll make a deal with you Green, if you read my right wing crap, I'll read your left wing crap.:)

I'll make a deal with you Green, if you read my right wing crap, I'll read your left wing crap
Gentlemen.. and I use the word in it's original meaning - I SALUTE YOU

Wonderful offer... Everyone should know where the other party is coming from, before they discuss merits of each position.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

--what they said!
Left side says make all the money you want & send it to us & we'll give it to those that need it.

Right Side says make all the money you want & those that don't make any tuff.

All jokes aside:

The actual Problem we have created is, the two parties are the same!! Niether actually care about the "middle" class.

The only solution I can see to keep the economy from a real depression is to have every home reappraised free of pressure (is that possible?) and then reset the mortgages to that amount. Force the liquidation of complex CDOs and allow only one sort of security be created in the future.

Good plan. What AMC do you think will get the job?

The only solution I can see to keep the economy from a real depression is to have every home reappraised free of pressure (is that possible?) and then reset the mortgages to that amount. Force the liquidation of complex CDOs and allow only one sort of security be created in the future.

Good plan. What AMC do you think will get the job?

Only the Homes that are occupied by the owner, IF they have more than the one home, all other homes, the person looses, & the homes, becomes a ward of the state. Think of how many could be college rentals, single parent homes, Discounted for Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters,, teachers, medical staff ETC ETC
I'll make a deal with you Green, if you read my right wing crap, I'll read your left wing crap.:)



You asked for 3 examples and I provided pages. Believe them or not, read them or not, I really do not care. It is not MY left wing crap.

I consider myself to be balanced politically. I do get my information from a variety of sources and political positions. Usually there is some truth buried in the rantings of both sides.

I support a balance of power within the government, but I also try to see which factions of each party are currently on the upswing in power. I know there are good republicans as well as democrats.

Believe it or not, I have even voted republican when I have respect for the candidate and I think they will do a good job. I have also voted against democratic candidates that have no qualifications and should not be running.

Enjoy your black and white life. It must be easier to live that way than to also see shades of grey. Please remember that we are all more than left wing and right wing...we are all citizens of this great country.
We all partied. We all benefited from the boom. We all consumed more than we should have. We elected the politicians in that catered to our constant pleas for more, more more.

We deserve the government we elect, both the failures and the successes. If we want to go in a different direction then we need to vote for a completely different kind of government, from top to bottom.

Throw them all out. Enact campaign finance reform. Send the scofflaws of those laws to jail.
The way it looks right now, that may be exactly what we get in the next direction - it's called "Socialism". Gov't-owned banks, socialized medicine, and wealth redistribution. As a consolation, we can still keep "U.S." in our title except it will be changed slightly to Union of Socialist States.
That's exactly correct....and it also shows ther biggest flaw with democracy...since the average citizen is a moron and only thinks of his or her self, politicians get themselves elected by promising ever increasing benefits that the country is unable and/or unwilling to pay for. The present so-called financial crisis with the $700 Billion bailout is just a drop in the bucket compared to the unfunded liabilities of promised social security and medicare benefits which are coming due. It is estimated that these unfunded liabilities exceed $50 Trillion dollars over the next 50 years and will cost every household over $500,000. Obviously, there is no way that all of the promised benefits will ever be paid out unless the dollar is purposely deflated so that the benefits will be paid essentially with "monopoly money", yet no politician has any hope of ever reforming the system, because anyone who ever even considers reforming these programs is a political dead man walking. While I am on my rant, I might as well tell the truth about the generation in charge of our country, the baby boomers...they are the greediest, most self absorbed, evil generation of human beings ever to walk the face of the earth. They have done nothing but vote more and more benefits for themselves and have passed the bill for these benefits onto future generations.....BTW, this is exactly what the current bailout is about...trying to save their own 401(k)'s and passing the $700 Billion bill along to the next generation (full disclosure: I was born in 1963 which is considered as being the second to last year of the baby boom).
The problem isn't with all of us, it's the lazy low to non-working crowd that is destroying this country. 40% don't pay taxes, so why worry about what kind of tax burden the government places on us. Add 10% for the one issue pro-abort voters and voila, 50% of voters are in the bag for the Socialists. Add to this 50,000 voters produced by a group called ACORN, and it's goodbye democracy.
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