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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Doug, Scare tactics used to work. The people of this country, no matter how stupid you think they are, do see these types of statements as crap talk. I really can't wait to see your mostly republican state vote democratic, what ever the reason.
Today McCain the ahole, even said in one of his rallies, that the prople need not fear Obama if he becomes Pres. I guess he realizes his tactics didn't work well. I used to have a real respect for this man. He was a war hero, a straight shooter, but now I don't give a shi^ about him, or that relec of an old lady he has, Both of them.
The way it looks right now, that may be exactly what we get in the next direction - it's called "Socialism". Gov't-owned banks, socialized medicine, and wealth redistribution. As a consolation, we can still keep "U.S." in our title except it will be changed slightly to Union of Socialist States.
While you guys are arguing over symbolic stupid stuff. Many are coming underneath you and sleeping with your American dreams. I keep hearing these "Socialized" this and "Socialized" that. I think the system has played the American Public real good.............. I do not think it so much Socialization, but Monopolization.
One thing I haven't seen posted (unless I just missed it) is the responsibility we have as American citizens to be proactive in the process of governance. We live in a complex society and it's all the more reason that we stay as informed as possible and communicate regularly and often with our elected representatives. I know that I have been negligent in excersing my rights to contact my representatives with issues that concern me and I'll bet that's also the case with many of you. I have Googled how to contact my representatives and the information is plentiful. Time for us peons to start getting more vocal;to ride herd if you will. We are the third leg of the stool and we have been asleep for too long.
I couldnt' agree more with the above statements. However, I'm wondering how do I vote to get rid of the nancy pelosis and harry reids???

Surely, there are more educated persons in their home states than them?

Here's from an e-mail I received regarding our elected representatives:

36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannotget a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and
84have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
....an email.....now that's credible.

Socialism is the foundation of any great society. Don't believe me? How does a nation govern itself? How are the roads built that you drive on? How does a nation afford a military to project its power beyond its borders, protect it's self-interests, defend itself from potential enemies? How do we educate the masses?

To deny we are socialistic is to deny we are a people. So, I have a hard time understanding the complete and utter disdain for which people on this forum have for socialism. Without it we would not be the nation we are today. I think people have forgotten that.
Doug, Scare tactics used to work. The people of this country, no matter how stupid you think they are, do see these types of statements as crap talk. I really can't wait to see your mostly republican state vote democratic, what ever the reason.
Today McCain the ahole, even said in one of his rallies, that the prople need not fear Obama if he becomes Pres. I guess he realizes his tactics didn't work well. I used to have a real respect for this man. He was a war hero, a straight shooter, but now I don't give a shi^ about him, or that relec of an old lady he has, Both of them.
Why would you call his statements scare tactics? He is merely pointing out the citizens of the US are clamoring for socialism. Why would people be scared of getting what they want? :shrug:

Please check your facts before putting your foot in your mouth. North Carolina is, and has been for many, many years a mostly Democrat state. Democrat voter registrations out number Republican registrations about 3:2. The only reason NC has gone for the Republican presidential candidates in the past few elections is the gross ineptitude of the Democrat candidates presented. (You would think finding candidates dumber than Bush would be hard, but apparently not.) With all due respect to Bob Craine, McCain was not a war hero, but merely an excellent contributor to our armed services who spent time as a prisoner of war.
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You think McCain is dumber than Bush???
He's just old, frail, out of touch, angry and addled. Not dumber than Bush, though.
You think McCain is dumber than Bush???
He's just old, frail, out of touch, angry and addled. Not dumber than Bush, though.
No, I think the candidates the Democrat party put up against Bush were dumber than Bush. That is why NC voted for the Republican candidate in spite of the fact NC has a 3:2 Democrat majority in its voter registration.
<snip>.....With all due respect to Bob Craine, McCain was not a war hero, but merely an excellent contributor to our armed services who spent time as a prisoner of war.

With all due respect Tater ... anyone that fights in the US Armed Forces is a hero in my opinion ... and if they fight in war .. that makes them a War Hero .. every single one of them.
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