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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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....an email.....now that's credible.

Socialism is the foundation of any great society. Don't believe me? How does a nation govern itself? How are the roads built that you drive on? How does a nation afford a military to project its power beyond its borders, protect it's self-interests, defend itself from potential enemies? How do we educate the masses?

To deny we are socialistic is to deny we are a people. So, I have a hard time understanding the complete and utter disdain for which people on this forum have for socialism. Without it we would not be the nation we are today. I think people have forgotten that.

Everyone knows and believes that there are certain limited government functions such building and maintaining roads and protecting the borders/defending the country that every government has performed in every society from even before ancient Rome until the present time. These are not socialistic functions.

What distinguishes a socialist government from a non-socialist government is that socialist governments take wealth from some citizens and redistribute it to other citizens, socialist governments own vast amounts of property beyond that what is necessary for basic gov't functions such as roads, infrastructure, the military, etc; socialist governments own or very tightly control a significant portion of formerly private enterprises. The United States and most modern governments have definitely started down the road to socialism, some are further down the road than others.

Socialism has some laudable theoretical goals. The problems with socialism and the reason that so many people in despise it, are two fold:
First, socialism is antithetical to individual freedom and individual freedom is bedrock American principle and trait. If you don't think that to be the case, please consider the most socialized countries ever to exist in the history of the world: the USSR, Cuba, China, etc.

Secondly, too much socialism just simply does not work in the long run. At a certain point, when enough incentives to produce and innovate are eliminated, most people will simply choose not produce anymore. This is why America survived the Cold Way and the Soviet Union collapsed, despite the Soviets having far more natural resources, including vast supplies of oil, mineral wealth, etc. than America.
Everyone knows and believes that there are certain limited government functions such building and maintaining roads and protecting the borders/defending the country that every government has performed in every society from even before ancient Rome until the present time. These are not socialistic functions.

What distinguishes a socialist government from a non-socialist government is that socialist governments take wealth from some citizens and redistribute it to other citizens, socialist governments own vast amounts of property beyond that what is necessary for basic gov't functions such as roads, infrastructure, the military, etc; socialist governments own or very tightly control a significant portion of formerly private enterprises. The United States and most modern governments have definitely started down the road to socialism, some are further down the road than others.

Socialism has some laudable theoretical goals. The problems with socialism and the reason that so many people in despise it, are two fold:
First, socialism is antithetical to individual freedom and individual freedom is bedrock American principle and trait. If you don't think that to be the case, please consider the most socialized countries ever to exist in the history of the world: the USSR, Cuba, China, etc.

Secondly, too much socialism just simply does not work in the long run. At a certain point, when enough incentives to produce and innovate are eliminated, most people will simply choose not produce anymore. This is why America survived the Cold Way and the Soviet Union collapsed, despite the Soviets having far more natural resources, including vast supplies of oil, mineral wealth, etc. than America.

Not to mention Tim that the Government will soon own the houses of many Americans. Buying the bad paper will ultimately make the Govt the owner of the home, ponder that for a moment, as we continue down the road to socialism. The US Government will soon own the house that many live in .. what power does that give the govt when they are the landlord?
Doug, Scare tactics used to work. The people of this country, no matter how stupid you think they are, do see these types of statements as crap talk. I really can't wait to see your mostly republican state vote democratic, what ever the reason.
Today McCain the ahole, even said in one of his rallies, that the prople need not fear Obama if he becomes Pres. I guess he realizes his tactics didn't work well. I used to have a real respect for this man. He was a war hero, a straight shooter, but now I don't give a shi^ about him, or that relec of an old lady he has, Both of them.
Warning, you can't always trust the polls.

And on the McCain comment, what you stated is the exact opposite of what my newspaper reported this morning. A McCain supporter told McCain that Obama was someone to be feared if elected President, McCain defended Obama calling him a good man. This unwillingness of McCain to expose Obama for his crystal clear pattern of questionable relationships is what is drawing the ire of Republican supporters. McCain lacks the ability to get his points across. If not for Palin's ability to connect with average Americans, McCain wouldn't have a prayer of getting elected.
Not to mention Tim that the Government will soon own the houses of many Americans. Buying the bad paper will ultimately make the Govt the owner of the home, ponder that for a moment, as we continue down the road to socialism. The US Government will soon own the house that many live in .. what power does that give the govt when they are the landlord?

Based on the public housing experiment, no too much. More of a benign neglect I'd expect.
These are not socialistic functions. \

If you don't think that to be the case, please consider the most socialized countries ever to exist in the history of the world: the USSR, Cuba, China, etc.

Secondly, too much socialism just simply does not work in the long run. At a certain point, when enough incentives to produce and innovate are eliminated, most people will simply choose not produce anymore. This is why America survived the Cold Way and the Soviet Union collapsed, despite the Soviets having far more natural resources, including vast supplies of oil, mineral wealth, etc. than America.

They are socialistic functions in the purest since of the term and in the most critical of needs for any nation.

During WWII the nation went to war and the increase of production was heavily subsidized by government money. Then after WWII there was a surplus of production capacity which was sold to those individuals with connections, wealth and power for pennies on the dollar. Seems very much like a re-distribution of wealth. Throughout our nation's history there has been a re-distribution of wealth. Even in the 1800's the government gave away land in order to promote a solidification of the nation and prosperity: homesteading. It gave away land to the railroads......huge amounts of valuable land. The US government subsidized the Panama canal. In the 20th century farming for God knows how long. The automobile industry. Etc, etc, etc, etc. Deny it if you will but we are socialistic and much of it has been to the betterment of our society and its prosperity without the loss of freedoms everyone claims it to be and without the loss of incentive to be motivated.

And what about England, France, Germany? They seem to have struck a balance between being a free society and socialistic.
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Three specific examples please.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong.

There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Iraq is linked to 9/11.

I have yet to hear from our commanders on the ground that they need more troops (in Iraq).

A wiretap requires a court order...

I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees (in Louisiana).

The budget deficit will be 'small and temporary'.

Those are just off the top of my head.
The rest of the story, in Red, added for my amusement.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. and that keeps the GSE and housing initiatives inspired disasters from totally ruining us.

There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.per intelligence reports of multiple countries

Iraq is linked to 9/11. $25,000 for every suicide bomber paid by the "other" Hussein is the tip of the iceberg

I have yet to hear from our commanders on the ground that they need more troops (in Iraq). He waited a little so D's would position themselves opposed. Here is Biden in 2005 saying he and McCain have been calling for more troops for the last 2 yrs in Iraq! Meet the Press Transcript:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10154103/

A wiretap requires a court order...Obviously not:rof:

I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees (in Louisiana). Especially the D. Mayor, Mr Empty busses under water.
Nobody thought NO would sink when it was first developed:shrug:

The budget deficit will be 'small and temporary'. That is certainly a case of wishful thinking, but it's not like he said he didn't inhale the reefer smoke:)

Those are just off the top of my head.
Same here
With all due respect Tater ... anyone that fights in the US Armed Forces is a hero in my opinion ... and if they fight in war .. that makes them a War Hero .. every single one of them.

Horse-hockey----pamblam that old rich white men that want to wage war with our sons and daughters blood use to justify their egotistical view that the U.S. is always right in everything we do.

Time to get rid of these old white rich men that have been running things and let an angry black man give it a go. How's that for scarin ya?
Time to get rid of these old white rich men that have been running things and let an angry black man give it a go. How's that for scarin ya?
He ain't young and he ain't poor.
Horse-hockey----pamblam that old rich white men that want to wage war with our sons and daughters blood use to justify their egotistical view that the U.S. is always right in everything we do.

Time to get rid of these old white rich men that have been running things and let an angry black man give it a go. How's that for scarin ya?

I understand your resentment of old rich white men, since you are located in Florida. Where do they get those huge Buicks? Why are the roads so narrow?:rof:

It doesn't scare me. I doubt it will scare PE. Hillary might scare me because she would actually have been able to get things done that I believe would have makde our country weaker.

What Barack O will accomplish is a R sweep at the 2 year interim elections. Beyond that, he may accomplish a riot or a pout in as he loses by a few thousand votes Acorn can't deliver because their copier ran out of toner.
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