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Cindy Chance

It's on Yahoo news
That was great. The news is hungry for more fallout since PAVE has their attention. These events work in line and step with everything PAVE was about; which is going to make this story even more historical. AI could not take cues, clues, or even testimonies from their members to contemporize.
She and the interim CEO met with staff in Chicago, everyone is happy that the Face Value podcast and the 1st and 3rd Thursday webinars will continue. Apparently, the staff was really worried about that and is overjoyed with the news.

Not a word about advocacy. ZERO MENTIONS. She should fire her PR firm, too.
And please be assured the board takes its fiduciary and ethical obligations very seriously, so as a matter of best practice and for legal reasons they can't comment on the secret meeting with a secret vote because everything that happened is a secret and will remain a secret. In addition, don't believe the rumors of board members owning or operating AMCs, although benefitting from being involved in AMCs is still unclear or as the board calls it, a rumor.


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I don't think there could be a more direct way to say, "the influence of AMCs on the corrupted leadership is OBVIOUS!"
Not sure who is running PR now but.........get the popcorn kids.
Also made it clear that no board members own or operate AMCs. Thats a carefully worded sentence if I ever heard one.

I was better off not ever knowing about AI. The more you sniff around the worse the corruption stinks. Sadly, everyone I’ve ever known with letters behind that names at the national level just reak of unethical corrupt behavior. I have met some good local people, but when national comes to town, they are told to keep their mouths shut and let the FOJ do the talking.

At this point they’d be better off stopping all communication. It’s only making it worse.

The only hope is there’s a few ethical people left on the board that are strong enough for a takeover.

But I understand that it’s too soon for some of you to comment. :rof: Don’t want to offend any of your buddies. But it is telling that some aren’t even capable of trying defending it. The silence is deafening.
Reading is fundamental. That includes "Chad". They/them should read for content, too.

I have posted comments about the AI. And have commented on the wisdom of jumping to conclusions about the reasons for the split prior to someone actually explaining those reasons.
But you have never been a member of AI, right? So you have no "wisdom" to contribute on the subject.
Ah, another example of representation > reason.

Correct me if you disagree, but it shouldn't take any insider access or any particular wisdom to suggest to a roomful of professional appraisers that the moral judgement is supposed to occur after the analysis of the actual facts, not in lieu of it.

Some people might even consider that an example of common sense.

Hypothetically speaking (because I don't know), if it was true that her management style was causing a lot of HR problems and that was the primary reason for this termination then in your own opinion do you think that would that be a good reason for people to commit to dropping their membership? I think it fair to suggest that some people would continue to do so regardless of the HR reason being the thing while others might not. Conversely, the conventional wisdom that this was the result of an AMC power play might indeed turn out to be the case.

All I suggested is that nobody need to commit to any action prior to the facts coming out. It don't cost nothing to wait a little.

What's your opinion?
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Ah, another example of representation > reason

Correct me if you disagree, but it shouldn't take any insider access or any particular wisdom to suggest to a roomful of professional appraisers that the moral judgement is supposed to occur after the analysis of the actual facts, not in lieu of it.

Some people might even consider it an example of common sense.
You exist in a vacuum. You might want to look at other professional platforms and see what other real working appraisers including current and past members of AI think. You have no idea of what appraisers go though to earn various designations or what it costs.
It doesn't seem to me that their thinking is in any way a secret or unknowable. Or that the membership and designation costs are too obtuse for an outsider to understand. Many of the members have been pretty vocal about it. And their sentiments on this controversy are being reiterated in some detail right in this thread. My bubble isn't so tight that I'm somehow incapable of reading all the org-related content on this forum over all these years or recalling what (literally hundreds) of appraisers have been telling me about the org for the last 37 years I've been in this business.

Is there a reason you find it offensive for me to suggest that people wait to see before concluding to what actually happened in this example?

Remember, I'm no AI fanboi and I really don't care what happens to the org as a whole or any of its members. Other than to acknowledge the point that while I've seen some bad work from a relative handful of the MAIs and SRAs, most of their reports I've ever seen have been reasonable and that probably most of the best quality reports I've ever seen have been done by those appraisers in those shops.

I don't have to walk in lockstep with other appraisers to develop some respect for they way they work or to acknowledge the benefits they attribute to their membership and participation.
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It doesn't seem to me that their thinking is in any way a secret or unknowable. Or that the membership and designation costs are too obtuse for an outsider to understand. Many of the members have been pretty vocal about it. And their sentiments on this controversy are being reiterated in some detail right in this thread. My bubble isn't so tight that I'm somehow incapable of reading all the org-related content on this forum over all these years or recalling what (literally hundreds) of appraisers have been telling me about the org for the last 37 years I've been in this business.

Is there a reason you find it offensive for me to suggest that people wait to see before concluding to what actually happened in this example?

Remember, I'm no AI fanboi and I really don't care what happens to the org as a whole or any of its members. Other than to acknowledge the point that while I've seen some bad work from a relative handful of the MAIs and SRAs, most of their reports I've ever seen have been reasonable and that probably most of the best quality reports I've ever seen have been done by those appraisers in those shops.

I don't have to walk in lockstep with other appraisers to develop some respect for they way they work or to acknowledge the benefits they attribute to their membership and participation.
Because it is fairly obvious what is happening to those of us that have been AI members and candidates for designation, along with long time designated SRA members (that are still real working appraisers). You can suggest whatever you want, but your suggestions carry no weight (with me anyway) because you have not lived it or paid your hard earned money for the privilege. And, as you pointed out, they've been operating the same way for 37 years, with no regard for the residential appraisers that pay their bills. My opinion is based on my own experience with National AI alone, in addition to their PAREA money grubbing fiasco among other ridiculous goings on. It just seems to be coming out now that I'm not alone in my thoughts.
I worked with 2 MAI's a while back. They both hated it. I have also worked with SRAs. That is a different story.

They can't speak out though because they will get done like Ms. Chance got done.

They can vent behind closed doors. I had all my classes for MAI. The MAIs I worked with pretty much convinced me I did not want to go that route.
There's nothing new or secret about the way the AI has treated their residential members. Nor am I trying to tell anyone what to think.
Because it is fairly obvious what is happening to those of us that have been AI members and candidates for designation, along with long time designated SRA members (that are still real working appraisers). You can suggest whatever you want, but your suggestions carry no weight (with me anyway) because you have not lived it or paid your hard earned money for the privilege. And, as you pointed out, they've been operating the same way for 37 years, with no regard for the residential appraisers that pay their bills. My opinion is based on my own experience with National AI alone, in addition to their PAREA money grubbing fiasco among other ridiculous goings on. It just seems to be coming out now that I'm not alone in my thoughts.
I have to question why you still belong? Like a million others, I had passed all the coursework and work experience. By the time I finished my demo I was told the classes I passed were expired and would have to sit for the exams again. No thanks, joined the NAIFA. Didn't take them long to waste their money on trips and gifts to the hierarchy, guess they started a trenc. But after licensing/certification having an SRA didn't mean much with lenders. And after the AMC Takeover it was worth even less.

I would guess the MAIs will do whatever they can to keep the AI solvent. And the SRAs will tell them to go fish.
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