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Just finished the 15 hour online USPAP course from McKissock

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When I took part two of the AI's general income course (4 days in Oakland) I had a root canal infection that was so bad one of my eyes was swollen almost shut and the side of my face was about to explode.
When I took part two of the AI's general income course (4 days in Oakland) I had a root canal infection that was so bad one of my eyes was swollen almost shut and the side of my face was about to explode.

Did you pass?
I didn't take the exam. My face was too swollen from the root canal infection and all I wanted to was go home (3 hours with traffic.)

I was going to reschedule but never got around to it. I did get the CE credit though.
When I took part two of the AI's general income course (4 days in Oakland) I had a root canal infection that was so bad one of my eyes was swollen almost shut and the side of my face was about to explode.

When I took the AI's Capitalization Part B (5 days plus Saturday 4 hour exam), I got talked into going out on Friday night. Well, I never got home (it was the '80's, use your imagination) and went straight to the exam Saturday morning. Lets just say that I took Cap B twice..... (true story).
Don makes an excellent case. I think that Illinois may have revisit this issue as well. As it is now...the Board is putting an end to ALL on-line QE starting in 2011.


I know that you have an excellent perspective, are a dedicated professional, and Illinois and the regulatory board you serve are better off with you there at the helm. I would hope that you do not take my comments as meaning that I would like to see online education abolished. I am not that old or stupid. I appreciate your kind words, those of George Hatch, Caligirl, and others as well as the PM's I have received. My objection is not to online courses per se. It is about the quality and validity of such offerings. I am no stranger to the process. I have taken online courses in the past, and most recently took the AQB Certified Instructor Recertification course online last October.

My point is, that an online course should be as valid, challenging, and meaningful as a live course. Right now I do not believe they are.

And, I certainly do not want them abolished because it would allow me to teach more courses. Standing on my feet for many hours(no, I do not sit down to teach a course) is no longer my idea of fun. I choose the amount, location, and my ability to recover from one class to the next prior to accepting a teaching assignment.

I believe there is a place for many types of education. I just want one to be as valid as the other.
If this was the OPs first exposure to USPAP then he should have taken his time instead of trying to beat the clock down. The reason he didn't understand this is because he didn't get anything out of the online presentation. But so what? The 15 hour course is just to get enough information to pass a state exam.
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We have to have the option of on-line vs live. We all read at a different pace, think at a differnt pace, comprehend at a different pace. I don't want to be stuck "doing time" in a class when I already know the answers or have take the course before.....
Yes, smoke breaks, lunch break etc. are a waste of time. We are indepenant business people, we can't be sitting in a classroom for hours at a time!
We have to have the option of on-line vs live. We all read at a different pace, think at a differnt pace, comprehend at a different pace. I don't want to be stuck "doing time" in a class when I already know the answers or have take the course before.....
Yes, smoke breaks, lunch break etc. are a waste of time. We are indepenant business people, we can't be sitting in a classroom for hours at a time!

Smoke breaks are the best part.
As I've written many times here, I'm not opposed to on-line courses for many things - but would limit it to CE. I am opposed to it for qualifying ed. and am glad to see that at least one state is backing off this (nice job, Brian). For qualifying ed, there is much to be learned in discussions and from fellow classmates.

That said, I may take a USPAP update on-line down the road. I've also written several times about it being required too frequently or at most should be half a day. There is too much repetition and there are years that are just painful. How many times does one have to go through the history of licensing and what changed the last update or two? Get to a quick overview and go through the current changes. Everyone in that class has been taking updates (or the qualifying course) and it is ridiculous to force people to sit through the repetitive teachings from past courses. There is almost never more than a few hours of new material.

To the OP - if you go to a message board with USPAP instructors and regulators and brag about fast you got through your first USPAP course, what the heck did you expect? Did you expect a bunch of "congrats!" for your feat?
He must have taken the online version of "Chatting with Appraisers on the Internet" course.
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