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Just finished the 15 hour online USPAP course from McKissock

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He must have taken the online version of "Chatting with Appraisers on the Internet" course.

He's just making up for the smoke breaks.
It's so great when we wear the USPAP instructor down so much he gives us an extra 10 minutes to smoke.
When I took the AI's Capitalization Part B (5 days plus Saturday 4 hour exam), I got talked into going out on Friday night. Well, I never got home (it was the '80's, use your imagination) and went straight to the exam Saturday morning. Lets just say that I took Cap B twice..... (true story).

Similar story--took Cap A & B at the U of Colorado--my brother was getting married in Aspen a week after the courses were to end--so it worked nicely.

Went out with fellow appraisers (a bunch of crazy NM guys)--drank around the world at one bar with 100's of foreign beers, headed into the mountains to a strip club/casino type place. Got pulled over on the way back--passed the field sobriety test with clapping and cheers coming from the car. Passed the test the next day.

Next week went out with my brother and couple of cronies--ate great seafood and drank too many beers. Cap B test came with a monster hangover. Passed the test.

Always been a good test taker--what can I say!
Pete, you are a better man than I! Those sure were the good old days, huh?

PS: I AM certain that I would not have passed any field sobriety test that Saturday morning! Finding the on key on my HP 12c was challange enough...:)
Pete, you are a better man than I! Those sure were the good old days, huh?

PS: I AM certain that I would not have passed any field sobriety test that Saturday morning! Finding the on key on my HP 12c was challange enough...:)

Not sure if better, but certainly luckier! The part of the field sobriety test (my first and only, by the way) that amazed me the most was my ability to find my nose with my index finger. Come from a family with little pug noses--I remember thinking at the time that I wish I had a Jimmy Durante-like nose--easier to find with the index finger!

The part that worried me the most was that I was driving a rental car from the agency that my brother, who was soon to be wed, worked for. Thought he would kill me--older brother. Still not sure if I ever told him about that.
I'm glad that all of the AI courses I've taken have run Wednesday to Tuesday and allowed a weekend night off. Every week long course I've taken except one was in Chicago and it is hard to go out at least one night.
I would say that most anyone who participates on this forum on a regular basis gets plenty of exposure to the material in those USPAP courses. Much more so than most of the people who get no exposure to it outside of those courses. You guys get more discussion in on the material than do those instructors who only teach the course once in a while.

That's why it doesn't surprise me one little bit when one of you guys comes back and tells us that you didn't learn much of anything in your last update. We put it all out there for you guys to see, sometimes before the courses actually even get scheduled.
I would say that most anyone who participates on this forum on a regular basis gets plenty of exposure to the material in those USPAP courses. Much more so than most of the people who get no exposure to it outside of those courses. You guys get more discussion in on the material than do those instructors who only teach the course once in a while.

That's why it doesn't surprise me one little bit when one of you guys comes back and tells us that you didn't learn much of anything in your last update. We put it all out there for you guys to see, sometimes before the courses actually even get scheduled.

You can lead a horse to water. And even make sure the water is very good.
You can lead a horse to water. And even make sure the water is very good.

The problem is that some of that water is leftover from previous updates. I have no problem with USPAP updates and zero problem with significant instruction and testing for qualifying ed. I do have a problem with seven hours every two years when there simply isn't enough new material so much of the class is a rehash of so many previous updates.

That water is just stale.
Thanks for all of the help and insight everyone. The test was a breeze, I was in and out within fifteen minutes. I received my passing notification and certificate earlier this week. Thanks again!
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