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TAF Partnered With REVAA

I have no personal interest of any type in this fight. Regardless of what you think. However, you do. So by the definition you're using you are the shill, whereas by the more common usage of the term (and as you have been dishonestly using it) neither of us is a shill.

Not that it matters to how this drama plays out. Nothing gets decided here on this forum. The most that can happen as a result of the ongoing arguments is that both sides have access to all of the reasoning being used here and will be able to incorporate it into their respective cases. At this point all each side has to do is compile and edit. Maybe send it through an AI to expedite a summary of their end and then tweak or reformat the results.
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pointing out the fact that revaa is anti independent appraiser is not shilling....go gaslight the unknowing

this marriage of TAF and REVAA just proves another conspiracy...USPAP is useless, TAF is corrupt :rof: :rof: :rof:
Pointing out the fact that it isn't REVAAs role or TAFs role to protect the fee appraisers from the outcome of competition in the marketplace isn't shilling. It's just being honest and objective. Facts don't shill.
";But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."
I prefer people that shill for the tens of thousands of working appraisers in the profession rather than corporate interests of a few. But I’m sure the hedge funds appreciate the help. Maybe they think one day they’ll be invited to the party on15th street.

And some of you want to know why appraisers don’t use their real name? Are you being serious? Get on social media and LinkedIn, it’s full of appraisers who use their own name and speak their mind and then talk about how they’ve been blacklisted from the business. I assume most of them have wealthy spouses and didn’t really need this job. when you speak about the profession, you risk losing your career. That’s the system some of you defend.

I believe people will get what’s coming to them in the end.

Looking at your agenda and upcoming discussions, I will highlight just a couple of issues for consideration. One ofthe important goals for REVAA is to have consistency wherever possible, consistency in processes as well as inlegislative and regulatory authority. With that in mind, your discussion regarding the ASCs Policy Statements is anarea where regulatory authority may result in greater uniformity. Meaning, regulations would have the benefit ofhaving the force and effect of law and thus likely to promote consistency in their application. While there arealways two sides to every story, I believe your discussions here will be constructive.

they hate independent thinkers...they need good sheep not to disturb the herd :rof: :rof: :rof:
Pointing out the fact that it isn't REVAAs role or TAFs role to protect the fee appraisers from the outcome of competition in the marketplace isn't shilling. It's just being honest and objective. Facts don't shill.
What about competition between people if fees were separated in the market place.

You pick and choose on where you want the competition?

What about this $1200 appraisal fee and appraiser got paid $200. Where is the competition on that other $1,000?
i would like to see the voting records of all TAF/REVAA/CRN/AARO/GSE members...commies should not be allowed....eh, Frank? :ROFLMAO:
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