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TAF Partnered With REVAA

Thanks for demonstrating why no one should pay any attention to your thoughts and opinions, least of all your research ability. Partners must be not for profit organizations. RSDS is not listed as a TAF Partner.

Peace to you and yours.

I just want to point out that you haven’t addressed the fact that TAF lobbied the Florida legislature to make it so appraisers can’t complete evaluations without following USPAP standards. It looks like there might be some confusion about the difference between being a registered lobbyist and lobbying in Florida on your part I hope this lack of research doesn't show up in your appraisal work.
And don’t try to weasel your way out of it by trying the sponsors, vs partners, vs IAC council shtick. Most people here can read through that bull****.
words have meaning. There is a difference between sponsors, partners, IAC, TAFAC, etc. just as there is a difference between trainee appraisers, licensed appraisers, certified appraisers, boots on the ground appraisers, appraisal management companies, banks, mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, the CFPB and the ASC.

Peace to you and yours
words have meanings. There is a difference between sponsors, partners, IAC, TAFAC, etc. just as there is a difference between trainee appraisers, licensed appraisers, certified appraisers, boots on the ground appraisers, appraisal management companies, banks, mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, the CFPB and the ASC.

Peace to you and yours

That’s precisely what I suspected. By granting RSDS legitimacy through their inclusion in the IAC, TAF seems to have undermined the notion of “public trust” as merely lip service. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Class Valuation, Solidifi, and Clear Capital are also included on that list. You still haven’t addressed whether you voted in favor of admitting REVAA as a partner.

Are you implying that we all get paid business trips to Cayman Islands now?

"The term "backroom deals" in the United States often refers to negotiations, agreements, or decisions made secretly or privately among a select group of people, typically excluding public observation or scrutiny. These deals are commonly associated with politics, business, or other areas where power and influence play significant roles. The implication is usually that these deals are somewhat opaque, exclusive, or even unethical, as they may involve compromises or exchanges that benefit the parties involved at the potential expense of broader interests or ethical standards.

In politics, backroom deals might involve legislators or officials who negotiate key legislative changes or appointments in private, bypassing the usual public legislative processes. In business, it could refer to secretive negotiations for mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships that are not disclosed until decisions are finalized, potentially sidelining stakeholders' interests.

This term carries a pejorative connotation, suggesting a lack of transparency and possible undermining of democratic or fair processes."

Something is amiss here.

Ahhh - but let's keep this simple. TAF is grabbing for power - and its worst enemies are the smartest and most ethical appraisers. It is just another sign that we are headed for a Marxist dictatorship.
If you're critical of junketing then that's a discussion to have. It has no bearing on the content and application of appraisal standards and appraiser qualifications being changed in favor of the lenders or AMCs, though.

Unless you can figure how to connect the two.
By the way, Clear Capital, Class Valuation, Solidifi, and RSDS are all members of REVAA. In essence, they are both partners and part of the IAC Council. Which makes TAF's decision even worse.
That’s precisely what I suspected. By granting RSDS legitimacy through their inclusion in the IAC, TAF seems to have undermined the notion of “public trust” as merely lip service. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Class Valuation, Solidifi, and Clear Capital are also included on that list. You still haven’t addressed whether you voted in favor of admitting REVAA as a partner.

Can you articulate one reason why RSDS doesn't meet the qualifications criteria under TAF bylaws to participate on the IAC? "Because they're an AMC" isn't among the reasons because the rules don't include such a prohibition.

See below. Can it be argued that AMCs have an interest in "valuation" as that term is defined in our professional standards? Yes or No?

That’s precisely what I suspected. By granting RSDS legitimacy through their inclusion in the IAC, TAF seems to have undermined the notion of “public trust” as merely lip service. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Class Valuation, Solidifi, and Clear Capital are also included on that list. You still haven’t addressed whether you voted in favor of admitting REVAA as a partner.

Why are you anonymous? Why don't you answer questions? Call me and identify yourself and you will get an answer. Had a great talk with a real, identifiable, boots on the ground appraiser today. The appraiser was not anonymous.

Sharpen those research skills. Learn the meaning of words and how to distinguish differences.

Peace to you and yours.
Why are you anonymous? Why don't you answer questions? Call me and identify yourself and you will get an answer. Had a great talk with a real, identifiable, boots on the ground appraiser today. The appraiser was not anonymous.

Sharpen those research skills. Learn the meaning of words and how to distinguish differences.

Peace to you and yours.
Save your breath. Every time there's a controversy on this board involving any facet of appraising or the business of appraising, the loser of that shootout always, always, always goes back to criticizing the definitions of the terms themselves due to not supporting their talking points. And then they want those definitions to be changed so that the revised NewSpeak will now finally support their reasoning. Those pesky and inconvenient meanings of those terms are always getting in their way.

Happens every time.
Why are you anonymous? Why don't you answer questions? Call me and identify yourself and you will get an answer. Had a great talk with a real, identifiable, boots on the ground appraiser today. The appraiser was not anonymous.

Sharpen those research skills. Learn the meaning of words and how to distinguish differences.

Peace to you and
Lol. Good one.

Appraisers who post on social media or forums using their real names usually fall into a few categories:

1. **Industry Insiders:** They’re well-connected with the big players so they don’t have much to worry about.
2. **Semi-Retired Folks:** They’re mostly done with full-time appraisals and might just do some occasional side work.
3. They’ve got a license or certification but haven’t done any actual appraisal work in ages, like Glenn Walker.
4. **Specialized in Niche Areas:** They don’t do any GSE work, which accounts for most of the appraisals in the Country. Their specialty might be a niche or not all that relevant in the bigger picture.
5. They are heading into retirement and could care less what happens in the industry and so they side with the shills on the forum.

There are other reasons of course but these are the main ones.

Most appraisers post anonymously for the same reason they send anonymous feedback to the CFPB: they’re afraid of being blacklisted by TAF’s partners and the IAC council members.
There's not one appraisal organization, foundation, whatever.....that should be okay with this....frigging crooks.

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