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TAF Partnered With REVAA

If anyone is interested, the motion to partner with REVAA starts around the 31:30 mark. And pay attention, they are also considering the CRN network as a future partner. And a little bonus, around the 1:22:40 mark, TAF's president explains what a partner is and what the "special relationship" means and then we get schooled on why it's important to include the poor old AMCs. They need a voice!

That was interesting.

My take is that TAF is making itself a Power Broker. TAF goes after acquisition of power. Of course power means money, one way or another. But first and foremost, just like Genghis Khan, the focus is on acquiring more power. REVAA is the "non-profit" power house for the AMCs. They have been brought into TAF as a partner to establish a two-way street between TAF and its existing partners and officers and the AMCs (which handle 70-80% of residential appraisals).

There was absolutely no discussion before the vote among BOT members. It was a 100% in-favor vote. Of course. It is not a question of any other kind of principle, other than acquiring more power. That's a shame. It looks to me like we have the worst possible people in control of the appraisal profession.

You can kind of see the direction this is headed. It is going to wind-up just getting larger and larger. It going to run the same way as the Democrat Machinery. It is not yet totalitarian - but that is where it is headed. A system heavily based on patronage.

It is not all bad. Traditional Appraisal will warp as needed to be swallowed up and digested by TAF's machinery. That can't be stopped.

Valuation Engineers who use data mining, do their own programming and develop special valuation expertise, can sell themselves out to the TAF machine when the time comes. But, they probably would be better off, long term, to keep their distance, - other than abiding by USPAP and other standards as needed. Valuation Engineers should also consider focusing on overseas markets.

If you play with TAF, AMCs, the GSEs, you stand a chance of getting swallowed up and put out of business. It's not my kind of ballpark.

If I had to start in appraisal from the beginning:

1. I would first work in some job where the only required skill-set is programming and data mining skills (MARS (aka earth()), K-means, Random Forests, ...) - until I reached the level of Senior Software Engineer for 5+ years.
2. Then develop knowledge of Real Estate and Real Estate Appraisal, and at least one other discipline such as Construction Engineering, Demographics, Mapping.

- But all depending on how the market develops. You should go where the best money and opportunity is, assuming you have interest in the field.
I went to the TAF website and it said they only accept partners who will further the public trust in the profession. :rof:

There’s nothing about Revaa that promotes the public trust.
The vid goes into great detail on the point that TAF wants to include everyone in the tent. That's the opposite of cutting backroom deals behind the backs of appraisers.

Are you implying that we all get paid business trips to Cayman Islands now?

"The term "backroom deals" in the United States often refers to negotiations, agreements, or decisions made secretly or privately among a select group of people, typically excluding public observation or scrutiny. These deals are commonly associated with politics, business, or other areas where power and influence play significant roles. The implication is usually that these deals are somewhat opaque, exclusive, or even unethical, as they may involve compromises or exchanges that benefit the parties involved at the potential expense of broader interests or ethical standards.

In politics, backroom deals might involve legislators or officials who negotiate key legislative changes or appointments in private, bypassing the usual public legislative processes. In business, it could refer to secretive negotiations for mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships that are not disclosed until decisions are finalized, potentially sidelining stakeholders' interests.

This term carries a pejorative connotation, suggesting a lack of transparency and possible undermining of democratic or fair processes."

Something is amiss here.

Ahhh - but let's keep this simple. TAF is grabbing for power - and its worst enemies are the smartest and most ethical appraisers. It is just another sign that we are headed for a Marxist dictatorship.
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"undesirables" -- please be a bit clear about who you are talking about. Then define what you mean by "cutting off".

If I have to guess, then you mean by "undesirables" AMCs, or more specifically REVAA. And what you mean by "cutting off" is "not taking any input"—not allowing them to be partners. There were 12 partners, all appraisal organizations. REVAA is the first AMC organization to be made a partner, I guess it will be #13! This gives them voting rights to the BOT. So, this is a big deal. It gives the AMCs a big foot in the door to TAF policies. NO! This should not have happened. It is a well known fact that AMCs are more interested, by and large, in low fees than in quality. So, this is a gigantic conflict of interest. It is corruption .....

In my experience, not all AMCs are undesirable. I give Kairos an A, and UWM a B- or C+, - and only because I got a few screwball mortgage brokers I had to turn assignments down on. TAF should listen to the public, but with appropriate weighting. They appear to be "in bed" with the AMCs with this decision.


I am not sure what you are really talking about now. The issue is TAF making REVAA a partner, one of I guess 13 partners with voting rights for the BOT.
REVAA will be Partner #16. Partners have no voting rights to the board of trustees.
What are the chances that RSDS might lose its partner status with TAF for asking an appraiser to blatantly disregard USPAP guidelines? I recently took a course on hybrid and desktop appraisals, where one key point emphasized was the necessity for appraisers to conduct thorough research on the subject property before accepting an assignment. Seriously? Are these people delusional. Many orders come with a simple "1-accept" button, and they are far from standard or straightforward. This issue isn’t unique to RSDS; it appears that all IAC partners are operating similarly.
RSDS is not a TAF Partner.
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