Really? Shut down FEMA? So many floods, hurricanes, tornados etc are natural occurances that arbitrarily wipe out individuals' lives, livelihood and even places to inhabit. Victims should just live in a hole or cave as punishment for NATURE or Man-Made disasters hitting them? Really? We are a connected humanity. I understand that in less populous states like Montana, you are mostly on your own to survive arctic temps, 20' snowdrifts, and wells running dry. And you alone cannot help even one person in hurricane-hit Florida, nor can one Floridian pay for your loss of cattle in a blizzard. But as members of humanity, we all have a connection to each other, and I'm sure if your neighbor down the road needed help, you would help them. We are all neighbors, and a little effort/money from each of us helps a LOT of our neighbors. I suspect without FEMA, most ppl would not recover from the environmental disasters that slap them to the ground.