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Wild Fires In LA

Here's a shot from the pier looking towards Pacific Palisades a little bit ago. Not really much to see and hard to capture all the smoke that's in the air from the fires. Jet airliner taking off from LAX.

As well as a pelican....

Donate 10 bucks to the American Red Cross for the Los Angeles fires.
Are they the most efficient? I've always donated to the nearest Salvation Army because I've read and been told the Red Cross is similar to the United Way, meaning they have a lot of high salaried people and only a small percentage actually goes to help.
Donate 10 bucks to the American Red Cross for the Los Angeles fires.
I'm afraid RC would be the last group I'd give to. They are not very efficient with the donations they get.

Salvation Army, 100% but there are local groups. LA Fire Dept. Foundation -boots on the ground. The local United Way, very efficient use of the money. For the animal lovers, the pets stranded - well, they are best helped by Pasadena Humane - https://pasadenahumane.org/
I've read and been told the Red Cross is similar to the United Way, meaning they have a lot of high salaried people and only a small percentage actually goes to help.
But, they are non-profits!
You don’t own this bulletin board and I will post as often as I wish. I don’t need your permission to post. I’m considering placing you on my personal ignore list which includes Zoe, you two are similar in many ways.
Never claimed to own it. I was just asking you to quit posting BS. You seem a little touchy when someone disagrees with you.
Wonder if airbnb is reimbursing the owners?

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