People are usually furious at the local or state-level leader after a disaster, and everybody is points blame.
But people never want to look at THEMSELVES. Such as, why they choose to live in a precarious area. Why did they choose not to pay for home insurance but paid for a vacation? Why did they remodel a kitchen instead of getting impact windows? And so on. Do you need a 3000 sf house for two people? How about rebuilding a 1200 sf house?
I don't have a stake in the area, though. I have a relative in LA and a friend in Santa Monica. A disaster can impact lives on so many levels.
Idk who will stay or who will leave. Like New Orleans after Katrina, eventually, the city was rebuilt.
I wish the climate deniers would refrain from their tired family post for a moment here. Most scientists and climatologists and nations around the world and NASA recognize climate change is a threat - We have heard it all before; there have always been storms and fires and so on. Go stay in denial and leave everyone else to get on with it. The last few years of extreme other and eroding habitat and intense storms and melting ice, should be a clue.
And maybe every single person, every one of us, is to blame for it on some level, fun as it is to beat up on whoever is in office - even if a leader shares some of the blame. Being that climate change is occurring, maybe the future rebuild of an area should not look like past rebuilds of areas.
Ironically, a mere century ago, many lived a low carbon footprint, self-sustaining lifestyle. Maybe more need to return to that - a thought