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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

Factory Refurb Q584s on the cheap.

For those of you who appreciate or need a device which is well sealed from the elements, Fujitsu has a few factory refurbished Q584s available for bid on their eBay auction site (link below.) This is a site which a lot of the Windows "pen" users know well and scour on occasion (like now, when certain models become available.) I have not used this source personally, but several people that I know well have and they claim it is a great place to pick up something at a great price - perfect when you want to (say) "dip your toe into the water" to try out something without paying the normal retail price. They tend to use it to pick up a secondary device, or whatever. I am told that the factory refurbished units come with a valid factory warranty (like new?) and that the vast majority of units which become available were not "broken" or faulty - they were simply units which were returned for whatever reason before the original purchasers' no-fault return period expired. (A lot of these guys purchase something just to try out, knowing they can return it for a full refund if bought through the proper channels.)

Some here may recall that the Q584 is the unit I demonstrated to our County customer in Maui by subjecting it to salt water - various pictures here: http://appraisersforum.com/showthread.php?t=191490&page=23

It also has various accessories available: http://appraisersforum.com/showpost.php?p=2490586&postcount=243 and http://appraisersforum.com/showpost.php?p=2491951&postcount=246

The Q584 is a well made unit which can/will stand up to more abuse than you are likely going to willingly subject it to ;-). It is also one of the units which comes with 4GB of RAM, which I feel is important to most users here. I believe most of you would prefer the models with 128 GB of storage (vs. 64GB) so IF this sort of thing interests you, be sure to concentrate your efforts on one of those models. The prices are ranging from an unrealistic starting bid of $10.50 to a current bid of $177.50. Remember, this is a "bid" process, so you can expect the bids to escalate in frequency and price near the end of the period for each unit. One person I know got one for $347 while another went as high as $550. I understand that latter one was fully decked out.

Here is the link to the auction page (they also have other 2-in-1's and more conventional laptops there): http://stores.ebay.com/Fujitsu-Comp...&_sid=100217907&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322&afsrc=1

Anyway, IF this sort of thing interests you, I see that two units are nearing the end of the bid process:

64 GB model with 23hours left, current best bid of $126.39

128 GB model with 1 day, 23 hours left, current best bid of $177.50

Note that in the descriptions, they mention the keyboard dock, but I sincerely doubt that this accessory is included, but again, I really do not know. Also note that, while these units come with 4 GB of RAM, they have the 32-bit version of Windows 8.1 installed, not the 64-bit version. Hence, the unit, out of the box, can really only (directly) address 2.94 GB of that 4 GB. I can, however, verify that that extra 0.94 GB of directly addressable RAM does provide a lit of extra "oomph" for running "legacy" applications compared to devices with only 2 GB, and one can install the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1 to gain access to all the available RAM. To do so, you need to go to the Fujitsu Support site and install the newest drivers, etc. after obtaining a valid Win 8.1 64-bit installer, etc.

All in all, this has been a great little device for folks who want/need a tablet like this. It is being replaced by a new model with a lower resolution screen (1920 x 1200 vs. 2560 x 1600, which is IMHO actually better for our purposes) which also has a semi-matte screen (yea!), but I have no word when it will become available in the retail channel, and you can bet it will not be a $500 device ;-) just due to the build quality and features (for a specific Enterprise type customer.)

Hope this helps! If anyone picks up one at a decent price, I think all of us would love to hear how things go!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

In regard to the post about the Fujitsu "auction" site link, I am getting word that some guys I know are winning bids on the 4GB/128GB models for about $470. Several have indicated to me that their devices come with the keyboard dock, but I cannot confirm that they actually do as none of them have actually received their shipments yet (duh, the bids just closed yesterday! LOL) Anyway, just wanted folks to be prepared for the likely winning bid ranges. FWIW, an approximate $500 price is a good deal IMHO and a "steal" if it includes the keyboard dock! Sorry I can't offer much feedback on the relative value on the other devices being auctioned off - I just don't have as much direct (or indirect) experience on the other models....

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Fujitsu appears to be on a "mini-roll" lately. It looks like there is a credible possibility that the Q555 I mentioned a while back may come to these shores in early 2015 and they have also announced the Q335 - an 8" Windows 8.1+ Tablet. Detailed info on both is semi-scarce at present, but from what I am told by people whom I admire & trust, the Q555 will be superior to the Q584 in some ways. (Similar CPU/GPU but a lower resolution display allows for better performance. The Q584's 2560x1600 is simply overkill IMHO and the Q555's 1920x1200 really is more than you need, too, so it's not like it is going to be fuzzy, LOL.)

The Q335 appears (at present) to be a little underpowered for I think most of you would want today. That is, it has only 2 GB of RAM. That said, with the now lower-sized "footprint" of Windows 8.1 with Bing, I've had a good experience with various 2 GB Tablets for the most part. Things run just fine unless you are going to load up some pretty heavy programs (i.e. today's typical "Full URAR" software suites and/or otherwise try to use this type machine like your full desktop systems. If all you want to do is run some lightweight "apps" or mainly do sketching & note-taking type stuff, you're probably OK with 2 GB of RAM. I'm currently using an 8" Windows 8.1+ tablet with only 1 GB of RAM in a "test harness" capacity with our software, and I'm not seeing a big performance issue. Still, I think that most of you (?) likely envision running heavier software programs from time to time, so that is why I keep leaning toward the units with 4GB of RAM.

Anyway, I am told by a traditionally reliable source that we should see an announcement of North American availability for these units in early 2015. It's great to have some quality choices...

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Just an FYI for Lenovo owners...

In recent months, I've noticed that one of the options I highly recommend when purchasing device - the Accidental Damage Protection - does not show up consistently during the on-line ordering process for Lenovo Tablets. A few of you have written me to ask how to get this for your devices, and rather than answering the individual PMs, I thought I'd just post the link to where you go to get it. The link below features several categories, so just select the "Explore" link in the "PROTECT YOUR TECH" box and you'll be taken to the page where you can select "Accidental Damage Protection." You'll need to provide your device's serial number and there is a link which shows where to find it on the device. I don't know why the locations vary so much - sometimes it is on a sticker under a flap, but on the ThinkPad 10 it is simply on the back of the device.

(For most of us, you'll need a magnifying glass to be able to read the number. I usually use my phone's camera to take a shot of the sticker, crop/zoom & save the image into an email to myself with the device name and "s/n" in the subject line.)


Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Fist off, Merry Christmas to all. Peace be with you!

I am getting word that the upcoming Fujitsu Q555 is now available for order (verified.) No word yet on actual availability, especially when you option it up the way I believe most should, given the way you're likely going to use a device like this. I have made inquiry through my channels with Fujitsu and I'll report back once I get some firm details. The way it is offered today is par for the course for these type devices - a base unit or a custom unit. I believe most would want the options currently only offered on a custom unit and this process just takes longer than being able to get a pre-built unit with the most popular options. We should see this situation change sometime after the first of the year as production feedback results in them tweaking the build process and producing units accordingly. For now, those interested in the options, etc. can go to the link below. Keep in mind that the price will climb quickly from the $599 base but pre-built units with most of the popular options should bring it down by a healthy percentage. At present, the most important items (anti-glare screen, dual digitizer (touch and pen), and dedicated GPS (vs. A-GPS) run it up to $824. Other options are $0 but important to make at order time - option for the casing to accept certain optional accessories (straps, etc.), VESA mount ready, etc., while other things are pretty low-cost - $25 fingerprint sensor, $50 NFC, etc. Going from the base 64GB storage to 128GB is high IMHO at $200 and this is one item in particular that I would expect to carry a much lower cost premium in a pre-built unit.

I've been asked to configure a build for some customers, so I hope to get feedback on that, resulting in an SKU (pre-built model number designator) and I'll share that with you when I have it.

Fujitsu Q555 page: http://www.shopfujitsu.com/store/stylistic-q555-tablet-pc


Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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Handy tips & tricks for Win 8.1+ Tablet use

This short article's title suggests that these simple tips are for Surface Pro 3 users, but most of them are for any Tablet PC running Windows 8.1+. A few items are for Tablets with active pens, too.


Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

(PS - the link comes courtesy of an old friend's site, where he occasionally posts some interesting tidbits. Frank is Spanish but most of his posts are in English... There are a few items there which may be interesting to some, so you might want to check it out. I found one there this past October that was news to me (shame on me! LOL) and has turned out to be quite useful in some scenarios - the ability to do OCR by way of OneDrive, which was (very) quietly added back in 2013... Link to Frank Garcia's site: http://ultramobilepc-tips.blogspot.com/

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(Sorry this is so late in the day - I tried to post this earlier today, but had a snafu which locked me out. Fortunately the site admin fixed me up quickly, but since I was away most of the day, I'm just now able to get this posted.)


FWIW, IF you want/need a decent little mini-tablet for "plinking around", I saw a pretty good deal on Amazon today. The HP Stream 8 typically runs about $150, but today, you can get it with 4G included for the same price ($149.99.) I do not recommend this tablet if you need something for running your full appraisal software (only has 1 GB of RAM) but with the new, slimmer OS build on it, other lightweight apps run just fine and it could be a handy thing to have in your bag for checking/sending emails, upload/download files, and just messing around. This particular model includes 200 MB of data (through TMobile) for free.

I bought one of these for a developer to test 4G functions and he reports (as well as others) that once you use up the 200 MB per month, it just stops so there is no danger of getting a surprise bill with huge charges :) I also purchased a 7" version (no 4G but same memory and storage, etc.) for testing the next version of MobileSketch - "MS8" and it runs just fine - I just would not expect it to be very snappy is you load it down with a heavy (i.e. "desktop" application, do a lot of multi-tasking, etc. I am also told that you can, of course, purchase more data time, but we've never done that. Of course, it has WiFi and that's how you'd likely use it when it is available, but the free 200 MB on tap could be handy when out in the field. Also included is a year of MS Office 365 Personal with 1 TB of MS OneDrive cloud storage :)

Here is the Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/HP-Stream-Windows-4G-Enabled-Personal/dp/B00NSHLUFQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1420058443&sr=1-1&keywords=hp stream 8

and more info from the HP site: http://store.hp.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/us/en/pdp/tablets/hp-stream-8-tablet---5901

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Relative to the previous post, I should mention that HP has another 8" tablet coming to market soon. I believe this is already public but I've not actually seen it anywhere (yet) - I expect that to change this next week as we approach CES and announcements abound, hyping everyone's new "must have" thing... Anyway, HP is readying a new 8" tablet which is geared more toward Enterprise or even regular business types (which may partially explain why we're not seeing much press on it in the consumer space.) Essentially, it is similar in appearance to the HP Stream 8, just built better, has more RAM (2GB), an Active Pen, 3G option, TPM, true GPS and A-GPS, rear camera w/LED flash and most of the other things that Enterprise/Business folks geek out over ;-) Once I see an official announcement, I'll detail it further but I won't likely "cover" it since it is really designed for folks running the bulk of their mobile business by running properly designed and optimized mobile software. I am happy to go into more detail IF you are truly interested in this device, so just let me know... I will, of course, be getting one as a routine matter when evaluating & supporting such devices for our customers who fit the profile that this device is designed for.

Happy new year to all!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Hi Randall, thanks for all your reviews.

I am looking into a tablet that can run Word and Excel (full versions) and full version of Aurora instead of tablet version. Seems the Surface Pro 3 might be best? Prefer cheaper and smaller (8 inch versus 11). Any other recommendations?

Not going to use it in the field as much as traveling around the house and elsewhere.
Hi Randall, thanks for all your reviews.

I am looking into a tablet that can run Word and Excel (full versions) and full version of Aurora instead of tablet version. Seems the Surface Pro 3 might be best? Prefer cheaper and smaller (8 inch versus 11). Any other recommendations?

Not going to use it in the field as much as traveling around the house and elsewhere.

Hi Michigander,

Sorry for the delay in replying. The manner in which you posted your questions confused me a bit and I got sidetracked on something while I was trying to figure out how best to give you a meaningful recommendation. As it is, I'm still a bit confused (happens a lot lately, LOL) so I have to ask what you are really looking for, why, etc. Almost any recent Windows Tablet will run full versions of Word & Excel just fine - just be aware that the lower the RAM, the less multitasking (or number of tabs open in, say, Explorer) is practical. When a device like this runs out of RAM, it basically "goes to disk" to use it as a sort of temporary virtual RAM. Even the speediest SSDs are many times slower than RAM so you'll notice some lag if all your RAM is taken up by stuff running in the background, and the type of storage used on the lower end tablets (i.e. eMMC) is slower than regular SSDs. Still, of the programs you mentioned, your Appraisal software is by far the most demanding, so I do not recommend anything with less than 4 GB of RAM in any Tablet you may consider. In the thinnest/lightest models, the available units like are the "business class" devices I favor that generally start at 10.1" and around $500 and up, depending on other features. On average, you're probably going to end up near $750 or so - pretty close to the street price for the lower end SP3 with Core i3 (which also sports a speedier SSD vs. eMMC for storage) as well as the 12" screen. I'm afraid that you probably would not like running your Appraisal software on an 8" screen anyway as it is not designed for something like that, so my overall feeling is that the SP3 is the better choice for getting real work done.

If what you are looking for is more like a lighter, more portable desktop type thing, I might suggest something like an UltraBook with a "Yoga" style keyboard that flipos around to the back. You might try going to a local Best Buy (or similar) to look at a lower cost Lenovo Yoga or other brand/model which "borrows" (ha!) this type of design. Lenovo makes 'Yoga" devices in lower spec and much higher spec (i.e. ThinkPad) models. Since you won't be able to load up your software on a demo unit, you might take a screen shot of a typical work screen and save it to a USB drive, SD card or upload it to s site where you can view it while on the sales floor so you can see how it might look on a smaller screen. It would be "fuzzier" than the real thing due to the compressions, etc., but you're looking at size first, sharpness second.

Hope this helps! If I missed something, let me know and I'll try to rethink and try again. Also you should be aware that CES is this week, so right now might not be the BEST time to jump since new machines are being announced. The new devices coming to market will offer some advantages, but perhaps the most important factor is that when the new ones are starting to be available to pre-order, the manufacturers tend to "blow out" the old stick, so you may find a deal on something you liked but felt was just outside of your budget. Another thing to consider is contacting your Appraisal software company and getting their advice since their software is surely the item which is dictating certain specs which drive cost and availability. Hopefully, they can give you some advice on the smallest, cheapest solution. This thread is chock full of my advice on base specs and I'm afraid none of it is favorable toward low end 8" devices if one of your main uses is to run that type software (any "forms" stuff) on what I think you are describing.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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