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You know you're getting old when

My VA doctor has ordered the VA Send me one of those "Help Help , I have Fallen and I can't get up devices.

I keep forgetting where my smart phone is so i have an APP on my laptop called "Find my Phone" It works well ....If you can't hear it ring then
it shows a map where it is.

My VA doctor has ordered the VA Send me one of those "Help Help , I have Fallen and I can't get up devices.
Good grief....
Government wasting more of our tax dollars.... :peace:
My VA doctor has ordered the VA Send me one of those "Help Help , I have Fallen and I can't get up devices.

I keep forgetting where my smart phone is so i have an APP on my laptop called "Find my Phone" It works well ....If you can't hear it ring then
it shows a map where it is.

I use my landline to call me cell phone.
My car texts me and says, hey stupid you forgot to lock the doors, or you left the windows open. Worth the extra program fee.

Thank God for that, because of the night walking, checking car door, zombies.
My wife was cooking when I left to walk the dog.
When I came back, I smelled smoke. My wife left the pot running and it was burnt and smoking. If I came any later, kitchen would have been on fire.
This is the first time she left pot burning. Two people with bad memories ain't good for our safety.
Hard boiled eggs are the worst. Have to turn on lights to remind me that i don't like fried boiled eggs. Have to leave a clue to what i'm doing.
outside our bodies are going through dramatic changes, first at about age 44 and then again when we hit 60.
Yep, at 44, I became a free man again - no more crazy wife to deal with...It felt great.

Sixty - nah - early 50s - diabetes after a bummer of weight gain and now I am back down to my weight in my 40s after more than 10 years to shed it. But still with the type 2 to annoy me.
Hard boiled eggs are the worst. Have to turn on lights to remind me that i don't like fried boiled eggs. Have to leave a clue to what i'm doing.
boiling eggs will blow up... PITA to clean off the ceiling and cabinets. Ask me how I know.
Stop and think for a minute when you lay something down when you don't want it 5 minutes later lost in you head.

This one feels obvious: You can’t remember something if you aren’t paying attention to it. Yet, we so often try to do more than one thing at a time, and distractions (email, Slack messages, interruptions from a coworker) pull our attention away.

Lots of people think they’re good at multitasking, but research shows almost none of us are. In fact, it’s been shown that multitasking in meetings causes the same cognitive drop as smoking weed. Why? Every time you shift your focus from one thing to another, there’s a “switching cost,” Ranganath says. “We’re constantly switching the dial on what’s supposed to be important, [so] we’re getting these fragmented blurry memories of things that are going to be lost,” he says. It’s hard not to multitask, but I often think about that fragmented attention when I’m with my kids. I may not be able to control what they retain of their childhood, but I can help the odds that I’ll remember those fleeting moments. And I’ll be less likely to make mistakes in an important email if I respond when I’m not also playing a board game.
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Lots of people think they’re good at multitasking, but research shows almost none of us are. In fact, it’s been shown that multitasking in meetings
They ask me the same question at my "annual". They rattle off a list of 5 items then a few minutes later ask me to recite it. I don't think I ever get all 5 although they ask for the same list year after year....apple, pen, house, whatever.
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