Don't know.Could be low blood sugar.
I'm not going to stay on it very long as I feel a little odd without some carbs in the morning.
That's what my doc told me last week. She said no need to get into ketosis.One of my golf buddies used to alternate with carbs on 1 day and no carbs the next day. Worked for him.
Yeh, I now need to be standing next to something to not fall over doing that dance.You stumble putting pants on now.
With bum knees i have to lean on the bed (my bed is really high) to get socks and pants off.Yeh, I now need to be standing next to something to not fall over doing that dance.
Well, not 47 years but I did an inspection Friday of a property that the fellow was holding an appraisal that I did on the property in 1997...You inspect a property for the 2nd time, 47 years later.